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2. Mineral deficiency :
​Amongst many more calcium is the major mineral present in milk.
​Milkgrit contains the combination of minerals including calcium and vitamins that helps in milk production.
​The well balanced formulation of Milkgrit takes care of all this.

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How the Milkgrit work

​Reduction in milk yield (hypogalactia) or complete storage of milk (agalactia) in animals are the common problems of dairy owners that leads to heavy economic losses.
​Causes may be different as Mineral deficiency, psychological disturbances, Stress or hormonal (prolactin ) deficiencies even in well fed animals and infections like mastitis.
​The average milk loss of 5.3 per cent is recorded due to varied reasons. Mastitis alone causes loss of Rs 575 millions per year.
​No treatment in modern medicine is available on agalactia or hypogalactia However use of herbs that stimulate the milk production is the only hope.
​Milkgrit is the product which takes care of almost all the causes.

1. Psychological disturbances :
​The mother when feels no calf in front of her after parturition leads to shock and causes psychological disturbance thus further causes hypogalactia.
​‘Ashwagandha’ one of the most important content of Milkgrit resolves this problem . The central depressant action of Ashwagandha releases this psychological disturbance thus the animal resumes normal let down of milk.
​‘Ashwagandha’ also helps to reduce the oxytocin dependency occurred due to daily injection of Oxytocin.

2. Mineral deficiency :
​Amongst many more calcium is the major mineral present in milk.
​Milkgrit contains the combination of minerals including calcium and vitamins that helps in milk production.
​The well balanced formulation of Milkgrit takes care of all this.

3. Stress :
​Dairy animals are frequently exposed to psychological, physical and physiological stressors.
​Psychological stress disturbs reproductive health by inducing generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and thereby oxidative stress (OS). The increased OS may affect physiology of ovary, oocyte quality and cause female reproductive health disorders.
​To overcome stress-mediated reproductive health disorders, shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is frequently recommended in Ayurvedic system of medicine. ​​
​Although shatavari is one of the major health tonics and most popular rasayana drugs to treat reproductive disorders.
​Based on the existing studies, we it is proved that shatavari may improve female reproductive health complications including hormonal imbalance, follicular growth and development, oocyte quality, infertility hypogalactia or agalactia possibly by reducing OS level and increasing antioxidants level in the body.
​Thus the shatawari a major component of Milkgrit helps not only in stimulation of milk production by reducing the stress but improves the normal reproductive cycle of animal.

4. Prolactin Hormone level :
​Shatawari contains phytoestrogen, fiber, folic acid, vitamins A, C, K and also tryptophan which stimulates the Prolactin, a hormone needed for milk production.​
​Dopamine is secreted by the hypothalamus, which inhibits the proliferation and effectiveness of lactotroph cells that release prolactin via dopamine D2 receptor (D2R). ​
​D2R activation inhibits lactotroph cell prolactin synthesis and regulates prolactin gene expression.
​Leptadenia reticulata (Jivanti), Asperagus racemosus, Nigella sativa are the important medicinal plants that improve milk production.
​The binding affinity value of campesterol and β-sitosterol the phytocompounds could exert more D2R inhibitory activity resulting into prolactin release, which may lead to an increase in milk production.
​These phytocompounds had fine permeation, non-toxic, and non-carcinogenic characteristics,they had good solubility, absorption characteristics compared to other. ​
​Therefore, Shatawari, Jivanti, Kalonji which are traditionally known medicinal plant, could be explored as a medication candidate to boost breast milk production.


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